Trophy Field Care and Prep
Caping Big Game for a Shoulder Mount
- Follow the diagrams at right.
- Never cut up the brisket (chest and neck area) when field dressing.
- Never attempt to remove the skull.
- Don't cut the cape too short -- Your taxidermist will remove any excess.
- Take it to your taxidermist A.S.A.P or freeze it.
- Never hang or drag your deer with a rope around it's neck. This will damage the hair and show on your mount.
- Attach the rope to the base of the antlers and drag it carefully out of the field.
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FISH - Take a good color picture ASAP--True color fades fast.
- Don't let the fish flop around -- This will cause scale damage.
- Never gut your fish.
- Ice down the fish and get it the taxidermist ASAP.
If you're not able to get it to the taxidermist right away: - Measure the fish from nose to tail.
- Make sure the fins are flat against the body.
- Wrap it in a very wet bath towel.
- Place it in a plastic bag, seal, and freeze.
Field Skinning of Large Life-Size Game
*Skinning Large Game for a Rug-Style Mount:
- Follow the diagram at right.
- Never remove the skull or the feet.
- Freeze the hide ASAP.
*Skinning Large Game for a Life-Size Mount:
*Skinning for a Shoulder Mount:
- Follow the Caping instructions for a deer -- Never remove the skull.
- Always leave enough hide -- It can not be added later during mounting.
Small Life-Size Mammals - Do not skin or gut the animal.
- Small mammals spoil very quickly -- Get it to your taxidermist ASAP.
If you can't get it to your taxidermist ASAP: - Wrap the muzzle (nose and face) in a wet towel and place it in a plastic bag and freeze ASAP.
BIRDS - Never gut the bird.
- Make sure the feathers remain flat -- Do not bend.
- Cool the bird with ice ASAP.
- Take the bird to your taxidermist or freeze it by placing it in a plastic bag.
- Make sure to lay it out flat without damaging the feathers or the tail.
Tips and Suggestions: - Proper care on your part is very important.
- Shot placement on the animal can show on your mount. Don't shoot in the head or neck.
- Don't cut the throat.
- Don't leave it hanging too long or drive around with it to show it off. Hides will spoil very quickly especially in warm weather and can not be saved.
- When in doubt, freeze it.
Doing your part in the field will ensure you have the best looking mount I can produce. - Make sure you have the proper license or paper-work with you.
- Bring the correct deposit amount with you.
- Bring any reference photos of your fish.